本會為一群志趣相同、關心和保育野生鳥類及其棲地環境的社會人士所組成的民間社團。起緣於1973年的「台灣愛鳥俱樂部」(Taiwan Bird Watcher’s Club, R.O.C. ),歷經十餘年努力有了堅實的基礎,於1984年9月正式立案為民間社團「社團法人台北市野鳥學會」(Wild Bird Society of Taipei)。歷年來,凝聚會員們自然保育的共識與力量,進行各項鳥類研究調查,建立基本資料庫,編印報告,研訓專業解說人才,推展各類賞鳥活動,為台灣的鳥類保育工作開拓者。目前本會會員千人,為全台灣組織龐大、制度完備的推展鳥類欣賞、研究、保育之民間社團。
為了落實生態保育,建立生物和城市融合的臺北生態城。台北鳥會長期推廣環境教育, 經營管理城市自然棲地,並不斷累積臺灣瀕危鳥類研究資料。 目前實際經營的場域有,臺北市政府委託之「關渡自然公園」、「芝山文化生態綠園」及農業部林業及自然保育署委託之「鰲鼓濕地生態展示館」。不定期舉辦各類講座、鳥類解說、義工培訓、規劃營隊及賞鳥博覽會等,以推廣環境教育工作。長期調查各地鳥類與生態資源,並成立野鳥救傷中心照護野生傷、病、雛鳥,累積各種鳥類傷病資料,作為人鳥和諧未來的指引。
Founding of the WBST
The Wild Bird Society of Taipei (WBST) is a non-governmental organization of people who share common interests in wild birds and their habitats. It was founded in 1973 as the "Taiwan Bird Watcher’s Club, R.O.C.". In September 1984, the group succeeded in officially registering as a non-governmental organization, and hence was renamed the "Wild Bird Society of Taipei".
Our Aims
We are dedicated to the appreciation, research, and protection of wild birds and their habitats. We aim to raise public awareness of nature conservation and draw people into cooperative efforts to protect the environment and ensure the survival and proliferation of wild birds.
Our work
The Wild Bird Society of Taipei (WBST) aims to create a future in which people and wild birds can live in harmony together. We have been dedicated to increasing biodiversity and ecological conservation in Taipei through promoting environmental education, managing natural habitats, and collecting data on and protecting the endangered birds of Taiwan.
In order to promote environmental education, the WBST holds various workshops, lectures, birdwatching tours, volunteer trainings, ecological camps, and international festivals.
Additionally, we currently manage three nature reservations: Guandu Nature Park, Zhishan Cultural Ecological Garden (both of which were commissioned by the Taipei City Government) and the Aogu Wetland Ecology Exhibition Center (commissioned by the Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency).
The WBST also monitors wild birds and ecological habitats in various places. The data collected is then used to participate in a variety of regional and national ecological bird surveys, such as “Monitoring of Poultry’s Avian Flu” and “Chinese Crested Tern conservation”.
Lastly, the WBST established the Wild Bird Rescue Center to rescue and rehabilitate sick wild birds. Here, we record all kinds of observations as guidance for future wild bird conservation.